Richard’s Genealogy


Matches 701 to 750 of 963

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 #   Notes   Linked to 
701 Richard is the head of the pedigree given in the 1565 Visitation of Wiltshire, where he is described as being "in the time of Henry the Sixth" who reigned 1422-61 and 1471. No independent evidence of his existence has yet been identified. Lovell, Richard (I3900)
702 Richard was left £5 p.a. in his father's will. Rogers, Richard (I4559)
703 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. Private (I2174)
704 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. Private (I2501)
705 Ruth is the sister of Arthur ToddTodd, Ruth S (I2230)
706 Sabina was written Bina. Family F834
707 Samuel appears on the 1841 census along with the parents, though there is no firm evidence that he is a son of George and Rebecca. Subsequent censuses show he was born in Lymington. Thomas, Samuel (I3258)
708 Sarah's parents are given as George and Sarah, not George and Mary. This must be an error, as Mary's husband George mentions "Sarah the wife of Henry Childs" as one of his children in his will. Banks, Sarah (I896)
709 Sarah, "the wife of William Huckor", is left £20 in her father's 1785 will. This identifies her as the Sarah Banks who married William Hucker at All Saints Southampton in 1782. Banks, Sarah (I984)
710 Second baptism on 15 Apr 1760. Probably these were a private baptism followed by being received in the church. Cheater, Simon (I3784)
711 Second baptism recorded on 7 Feb 1841, the same day as his sister Marianne. It's unlikely this was another child was the 1839 John did not die until 1842. Thomas, John (I3148)
712 Served in the 10th Royal Hussars, fighting in the Boer War, and earning the South Africa Medal with clasps for service in Cape Colony, Transvaal, Orange Free State, together with the South Africa 1901 and 1902 clasps. He emigrated to Toronto, Canada in 1902, and signed up for the Canadian Over-Seas Expeditionary Force in 1915. Vane, Seth Cox (I512)
713 She appears also in the Exbury baptism register on 25 Dec 1813. Possibly 8 Aug was a private home baptism, and 25 Dec was being received into church. Or possible she was baptised twice in different parishes. Whitfield, Fanny (I1275)
714 She appears as Sylvia on the 1861 census and as Louisa on the 1871 census, but there is not enough time for there to have been two children between William and John (unless they were twins). Harding, Sylvia Louisa (I2942)
715 She made a will dated 21 Mar 1874 and proved 11 Jul 1874. Joslin, Françoise (I1060)
716 She may be the burial on 6 Dec 1772 at Cholderton, though it may be her youngest daughter's burial. Plymton, Abigail (I3088)
717 Simon was a widow. Family F992
718 Simply called "daughter of John Hunt" with no first name given, but John seems only to have had one daughter in 1767. Hunt, Ann (I3289)
719 Single, living in Hardley with his (also single) brother Henry on the 1911 census.  Pinnick, Sydney James (I934)
720 Single, living in Hardley with his (also single) brother Sydney James on the 1911 census.  Pinnick, Henry (I929)
721 Some doubt over year. Even though it says 1814, the following entry is from Jan 1816. Fry, Marianne (I3575)
722 Some sources refer to a daughter named Ann or Annie, others to a daughter named Rose. There is no direct evidence that Ann/Annie and Rose are the same person, but there is no real evidence of two girls either. A Rose appears on the 1871 census, aged just two days, but there is no baptism or birth registration for Rose. There are baptism and birth registrations for an Ann, and a daughter named Annie of the same age is listed on the 1881 census. No source includes both Rose and Ann/Annie, and there is no time for two children to have been born between Kate in Q3 1869 and Edith in Aug 1872. Neither Rose nor Ann/Annie can be the same person as Kate or Edith as they appear together on the 1871 and '81 censuses. Most probably the parents originally intended to name her Rose but changed their mind before the birth was registered. Vane, Ann (I504)
723 son of Simon Cheater, shepherd, of Porton Cheater, John (I3823)
724 Son of William of Exbury; no mother given. Banks, William (I983)
725 Spelt "Eliz"; privately. Wyatt, Elizabeth (I3273)
726 Spelt "Jno" in the baptism record. Willis, John (I1929)
727 spelt Martill in the HGS index Martell, William (I4839)
728 spelt Newland Newlyn, John (I5757)
729 spelt Newland Newlyn, Mary (I5763)
730 Stillborn (mort-né). Tramp (I1102)
731 surname alias Carter Williams, Sabina (I3013)
732 Surname is Martin in the HGS transcript, but a son named Peter is listed in Jeremiah Martell's will, and there is no apparent Jeremiah Martin in the area. Martell, Peter (I3497)
733 Surname recorded as Martin in the HGS index. Martell, Peter (I3497)
734 Surname spelt Croutier in the GRO index. Croutear, John Owen (I2521)
735 Surname spelt Dewy. Dew, George (I4103)
736 Surname spelt Goslin in the Grouville baptisms, and Joslin in the St Saviour baptism. Joslin, François (I1176)
737 Surname spelt Grosmet in the HGS transcript of the baptism register. Grossmith, Robert (I3677)
738 surname spelt Martin in the HGS index Martell, William (I4841)
739 Surname was spelt Canning in the marriage register. The forms Kelling and Killing are more common. Kelling, Daniel (I1184)
740 Surnamed Carter in baptism register. Williams, William (I3045)
741 Surnamed Cronin on the 1861 and '71 censuses. Fallaize, Francis Charles (I1062)
742 The 11 year gap between the first two children and the 26 year span between first and last child would ordinarily suggest two families, but all but the first of the children's baptisms give the mother's maiden name as Percy (or a variant thereof: Pearce, Piercey, and in one case Pace), and the only Martin-Percy marriage was in 1780, a month before the first child's baptism. Family F942
743 The 1841 and '51 censuses and Thomas's burial all agree that he was born in 1772-73. The 1851 census says he was from Hythe, but there is no suitable baptism in either Fawley or Dibden; the 1841 census says he was not born in the county. Smith, Thomas (I3433)
744 The 1850 burial, which gives William's age as 81, matches the 1769 baptism, which gives his parents as Levi and Mary. We can be sure this is the correct person, as Mary's 1820 will clearly identifies herself as Levi's widow and mentions grandchildren, Daniel and Mary, the children of her son William. William and Augusta's children are the only candidates. Barfoot, William (I5585)
745 The 1851 and 1861 censuses say "France, British Subject". Whitfield, George (I1398)
746 The 1851 census says "France, British Subject". Whitfield, Susan (I1396)
747 The 1851 census says "France, British Subject". Whitfield, Emily (I1397)
748 The 1851 census says that Peter was born on Guernsey, and the 1841 census says he was born on a different island to Jersey, however the marriage register says he was from St Helier. There is a Peter who lived his life in St Pierre du Bois, also born c1829. Fallaize, Peter (I5013)
749 The 1861 census says "Ammer, Dorset" and the 1851 census says "Amor, Dorset". It's not clear where this is. Stott, Judith (I3075)
750 The 1861 census says Jane was aged 86 and born in Wherwell, Hants; however, the 1851 census says she was 61 and born in what looks like Horrell, Hants. This could make her born in 1775 or 1790. As she married in 1807, the latter is only slightly implausible; the former makes her 54 when Joseph was born which is impossible. Based on when her children were born, a birth in the 1780s seems most likely.

David's age on the 1851 census is also suspect. It says 79, while the 1861 census says 81, and his 1865 burial says 87. This suggests a birth in the late 1770s. His baptism was in 1780, so the 1851 census seems the less accurate.

The HGS index has no Jane Judd baptised in the 1780s. The closest is a Jane Judd baptised Nov 1778 in Broughton, daughter of Samuel and Anne. This would make her 48 when Joseph was born which is just about feasible. What's more, Broughton is close to Wherwell. However Samuel and Anne had another daughter, Jane, baptised in 1793, and the earlier Jane was probably the Jane Judd buried in 1784. A 1793 birth is implausibly young, though it's possible she was several years old when she was baptised. 
Judd, Jane (I5280)

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