Richard’s Genealogy


Matches 151 to 200 of 963

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 #   Notes   Linked to 
151 Birth registered as Anna. Banks, Hannah (I838)
152 Blank where name should be in baptism register. Willis (I1956)
153 Body later moved to Westminster Abbey. Edmund Earl of Kent (I4833)
154 Born outside Dorset. Whitfield, Charles (I1442)
155 Born outside Hampshire according to the 1841 census, but born in Hythe, Hants on the 1851 census. Smith, Thomas (I3433)
156 Born outside Hampshire, according to the 1841 census. Phillips, Mary (I3275)
157 born today; private baptism Pinnick, Ann (I3625)
158 born yesterday; private baptism Pinnick, David (I3621)
159 born yesterday; private baptism Pinnick, Sarah (I3623)
160 Both his baptism and burial spell his middle name 'Houchings'. Hunt, Edward Hutchins (I1005)
161 Both of Alvediston. Family F402
162 Both of Clarendon Park. Family F854
163 Both of the parish of St Clement. Family F448
164 both of the parish, both made marks Family F1409
165 Both of the parish. Findmypast has two copies of this, one in 1780, the other in 1781. Family F1412
166 Both of the parish. Witnessed by Joseph Manuel and Henry Foster. Family F949
167 Both of this parish Family F1374
168 Both of this parish. Family F999
169 Both of this parish. The WFHS transcript says Edward was a "carter-taylor". This is probably a misreading of Edward being surnamed Williams alias Carter. Family F837
170 Both parties were widowed. Family F962
171 Bride's surname is illegible. However others have read it as "Smedmore". Family F959
172 Bridget is not mentioned her brother John's will, so was probably dead by 1685. This is the only plausible burial. Lovell, Bridget (I2732)
173 By a process of elimination: the 1958 death registration matches a probate in Alresford for the wife of one George Wiltshire.
Barfoot, Ellen (I4169)
174 By banns; both of Alton Priors. Family F1373
175 By elimination, this must be Mary née Booker's burial. The other nearby candidates either give an age which doesn't match, or are before the birth of her last child. There doesn't seem to be another Mary it could be. Booker, Mary (I4684)
176 Calculated from her age when she died. This makes her quite young when she married, and possibly she was actually a year or two older. Ozey, Elizabeth (I1772)
177 Called Christiana on her burial. Joslin, Caroline (I2119)
178 Called James Wm Jocelyn on the 1881 census. Jocelyn, James John (I2019)
179 Catherine died in 1766 while Thomas (the youngest child by the first marriage) was still a baby, an in such circumstances, it was common for the man to remarry. This is circumstantial evidence that Catherine's husband Jacob is the same person as the Jacob who married Sarah Cliffe in 1770. There's also only one plausible burial for Jacob (on 8 Mar 1797 in High Easter), suggesting a single person. Day, Jacob (I5550)
180 Charles appears on the 1841 census along with the parents, though there is no firm evidence that he is a son of George and Rebecca. There is no baptism for him, and he does not seem to appear on any later censuses. It is possible that the man on the 1841 census was in fact Charles, son of Charles and Fanny, who is otherwise absent from the 1841 census.  Thomas, Charles (I3257)
181 Charlotte, Joseph and Thomas are known from Comyn's notebooks. Family F1464
182 Children by an unknown father or fathers. Family F761
183 Christoph filius Johannis Barnes, Christopher (I3236)
184 Comyn's notebooks give his date of birth as 29 Oct 1809. His parents are given as John Croucher & Elizabeth née Sandy. Croutear, Charles Samuel (I2161)
185 Daniel had quite a lengthy prison record: he was fined for destroying trees in 1877, fined for vagrancy in 1880, imprisoned for 1 month for rioting in 1886, fined for assault in 1888, imprisoned for 7 days for "refusing to quit" in 1889, and imprisoned for 15 months for highway robbery with violence in 1890, meaning he was in Winchester Gaol for the 1891 census. Barfoot, Daniel William (I5686)
186 Darah may perhaps be mistranscription of Sarah in the HGS index. Harding, Darah (I2892)
187 Date estimated on the assumption that he was the eldest child, as he was singled out in his father's will. Lovell, Edmund (I3902)
188 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. Private (I112)
189 Date illegible; parents David and Jane Wyatt. Wyatt, Martha (I3726)
190 Date is unclear as paper is damaged. Cronin, Margaret (I1036)
191 Date not fully transcribed in the HGS index — it's given as the 1st of an unspecified month of 1735. Family F775
192 Date of birth given, and that they were from Beaulieu. A second baptism is in the Beaulieu register for a 9-year-old Charles Hendy, son of Henry and Lucy, on 2 Feb 1851. The 1851 census gives his age as 11, which doesn't quite match either record. Hendey, Charles (I2417)
193 Dated 1739/40 in HGS transcript, i.e. 1740 (NS); son of William of Woodington (believed to be Mopley, in Langley); no mother given. Banks, John (I979)
194 Dated 1742/43 in HGS transcript, i.e. 1743 (NS).  Banks, Mary (I980)
195 Daughter of Aaron and Hannah of Hythe. Willis, Eliza (I1872)
196 Daughter of Williamm. Banks, Charity (I985)
197 David wrote his will on 14 Dec 1640 and probate was granted 30 May 1662. He must therefore have died between these dates. Urry, David (I1524)
198 David's will, dated 24 Jan 1786, only lists children John, Mary, Jenny, David, Elizabeth and Sarah. No mention of Ann or Joseph. Family F886
199 Day number unclear Hayden, Ann (I5025)
200 Described as an illegitimate son of Elizabeth Thomas alias Goffe. Elizabeth Thomas married William Harding on the same day. Harding, William (I3011)

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