Richard’s Genealogy

Will of Robert Rogers of Poole, Dorset (1555)

Source Information

  • Title Will of Robert Rogers of Poole, Dorset (1555) 
    Short Title Will of Robert Rogers of Poole, Dorset (1555) 
    Call Number PROB 11/37/513 
    Repository The National Archives 
    Source ID S229 
    Text In the name of god amen. I Roberte Rogers of Polle being sicke in boddie but
    whole in mynd make and ordaine this my will and testament in manner and forme followinge
    First I bequeath my soule unto allmightie god my boddie to be buried within the Church of Polle
    aforesaid. Item I give to the reperacons of the same Church vj li xiij s iiij d. Item I give unto ye
    Almes howse within the same towne of Poole iij li vj s viij d. Item to the poore people of the same
    Towne to every of them at the tyme of my buriall a penny, at my monthes mynde as muche and
    lykewise at my twelve months mynd. Item I give to Elizabeth my wyef one thousand markes
    and all suche plate as I received for her by her fathers legaces. Item I give and bequeath to John
    my sonne fower hundred markes and my dwelling house with the garden adioyning to the same
    And also my estate that I have in the stable and ij closes belonging to the mannor of Canforde w'h
    I have by coppiehold. I will also that my wief remaine and dwell in my mansion howse as
    Longe as she continueth widdow with oute paieng any rente and when she marrieth the same house
    to be putt oute to rentt to the most advantage of my sonne John at the discresion of my ouerseers untill
    he come to his laufull age which house I will remaine to hym and to his heires laufully begoten
    And for lacke of heires of hym to retorne to my sonne Robarte and to his heires laufully begotten And for
    lack of heires of hym to my other sonne Willm and for lck of heirs of hym to remaine to my doughters
    equally to be devided betwene them. Item I give to my sonne Roberte with such legaces as his grande
    father Willm Webb gaue hym v hundred markes. Item I give to my sonne Willm with his grandfathers
    legaces five hundred markes. Item I give to my doughter dorathe five hundreth markes. Item to Amy
    Elizabeth and Jone my daughters to each of them five hundred markes with their grandfathers legaces.
    Item I give to katherin my yongest doughter v hundred markes. Also I will that yf any of my
    children deceace afore they come to theire laufull age that his of theire porton of goodes remaine to the rest of
    my chyldren surviving equally to be devided among them all. Also I will that yf any parte of my goodes
    now being beyonde the sease doe perrish which god defend that the losse of the same be borne by my
    wief and children to rebated uppon theire leaces equally according to theire portons. Item I give
    among my children to be equally devided amonge them all my plate reservinge my wives parte before
    given. Also I give to my wyef the one half of my household stuff and the other half to children equaly
    to be devided betwene them reserving the hanginges of my howse Settles, Seelinges and Cupbourdes bords
    formes and chaines which I will shall remaine in the howse to my sonne John. Item I give to my
    brother John Rogers fortee poundes in monney and my gowne furred with [blank]. The residue of
    all my apparrell I give to John, Roberte and Willm my sonnes to be equally devided amonge them
    Also I will that Thomas Gilforde Willm Newman and John Hancock have the kepinge of
    John Rogers my sonne and dorathe his Syster and theire legaces untill hey come unto theire lauful
    age so far forth as they wil be contente to give sufficient suerties to my executors by thadvice of my
    overseers to render them theire whole legaces at theire laufull age or at theire decesse and also during
    theire nonage to give the foode apparrell and scoole and to fynde John beionde the Seas to lerne the
    langwage. I will also that my Sonne Robarte be in the Custodie of my brother John Rogers
    with his legaces and he to give sufficient suerties to my ovrseers to render hym his hole legaces at his
    lawfull age, and also to fynde hym food apparrell and lerninge during his nonage and to fynde hym
    oversee lerning the language or at the vniversitie of oxford or Cambridge to which he shal be most
    enclined. I commyt also my sonne Willm and my doughter Anne unto the custodie of Thomas bingley
    with theire legaes he giving sufficient suerties to my executors and ovrseers to render them theire
    whole legaces at theire laufull age or at theire disces and also during their nonage doe give them
    food raimente and Scoole and at tyme covenient to fynde Willm beyond Sease to lerne the
    language or ese in the universitie of Oxford and Cambridge yf he be so disposed. Item will also yt
    Willm Webb of Salisbury my brother in law have the kepinge of Elizabeth and Jone my doughter
    with theire legaces he giving sufficient suerties to my executors in every point as Thomas
    Bingley and the others afore written. And yf my wyef be disposed to have the kepinge of my
    yongest doughter katherin I will that she have her with her legaces so far forth as she will
    give to my overseers sufficient suerties to render her whole legaces at laufull age or at
    the tyme of her death. And also during her nonage to give her foode apparrell and lerning also
    I give to Nicholas Welsteed and Wilm Merrytt servntes to every of them iij li vj s viij d
    uppon this condicon that they give to my ovrseers inst and true accompte of such goodes as they
    have now in their charge. I give also unto Jone lucy my maide servnte iij li vj s viij d. Item to
    Dorathe my other servnte iij li vj s viij d. So that she continew in servis with my wyef ij
    yeres after my deceace. The rest of all my goodes unbequeathed my debts being paide I give
    to my executors whome I make John Rogers my brother John Robart and Willm my sonnes
    and my ovrseers Thomas Gildford Willm Newman and Thomas Bingley and give to every
    of my ovrseers for theire paines xl s. And this my last will and testament I have signed and
    sealed with myne owne hande this first daye of January 1555. These men here under written
    being wittnes by me Robart Rogers, Thomas Byngley, Willm Newman and Thomas Guilford.

    Probatum fuit huioi Testamentum coram Magro Waltero Haddon legum
    Doctore Curie Prerogative Cant Comissario apud London vicesimo quinto Die Mensis Januarij Anno dni
    Millmo quingentesimo quinquagesimo quinto. Juramento magii Johannis Talkarie(?) procuratoris executorum
    in dco testamento nominatorum. Quibus comissa fuit administrtato omniu' et singulorum bonorum juriu'
    et creditorum dicti defuncti, de bene et fideli' administrandum eadem ac de pleno et fideli Inventario et
    exhibend, necnon de pleno et vero computo etc. indereddend'. Ad sancta dei Evangelia in debita
    Juris forma Jurat.
    Linked to Robert Rogers